In this edition of FOCUS In Sound, we meet a Burroughs Wellcome Fund grantee who is innovating in methods of detecting infectious disease. Dr. Amy Wesolowski is an assistant professor... read more →
In this Special Edition of FOCUS In Sound, we meet with the CEO and President of the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, Dr. Louis Muglia, who will guide us through the Fund’s... read more →
In this edition of FOCUS In Sound, we meet a Burroughs Wellcome Fund grantee who is not only an accomplished scientist, but also a published children’s book author. Dr. Theanne... read more →
In this edition of FOCUS In Sound, we meet a Burroughs Wellcome Fund grantee who participated in the development of a remarkable new pathogen detection technology that may be vastly... read more →
In this edition of FOCUS In Sound, we focus on a dynamic scientist from UCLA who has been recognized in the past by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, and we’ll see... read more →
This special edition of FOCUS In Sound is a panel discussion on career development from the Fund's headquarters in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina on October 10, 2018, during the... read more →
Program Officer Alfred Mays Provides Insight into the Career Awards for Science and Mathematics Teachers Transcription of "Career Awards for Science and Mathematics Teachers" 00;00;02;19 - 00;00;20;01 Ernie Hood We... read more →
In this edition of FOCUS In Sound, we focus on an outstanding teacher, Andi Webb, who has been recognized in the past by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, and we’ll see... read more →
In this edition of FOCUS In Sound, we check in with Dr. John Burris, President of the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, for an annual report in sound for the Fund for... read more →
In this edition of FOCUS In Sound, we check in with Dr. John Burris, President of the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, for an annual report in sound for the Fund for... read more →